Welcome to my latest adventure…tripawdism
My real name isn’t Godzilla, but it is one of many nicknames my family and friends have given me over the years. 11.5 years that is! My real name is Coco’s Obsidian Strike, or Sidney for short. But I like to go by Sidnerella.
August 26, 2011 I joined the ranks of the many brave Tripawds that have come before me. Mom says it’s a badge of honor and that I am her most fearless pup.
Right now I am just trying to get my barrings and all my friends have been coming by to tell me they love me and bring me snacks. Mom says I need my rest, so she’s gonna share some of my story for me until I’m up to it.
Have a look around, read my story, watch as my journey unfolds, and please leave me some comments!